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Who We Are

The children's ministry at Allisonville is a growing, love-centered ministry. We offer programming for kids from birth through fifth grade where we hope all kids know that they are loved and welcomed, no matter what. If you are interested in knowing more about our children's ministry, please reach out to our Associate Minister, Rev. Josh Jackson, at

Ages 0 - 3

We have a full nursery with paid and trained staff that is open for infants through 3-years-old, with exceptions when needed.


Exploring Worship
2nd - 4th Grade

Exploring Worship is open to kids in 2nd through 4th grade and is a time of fellowship, prayer, and discussion about the day's scripture text. This takes place during the 9:30am traditional worship service.


Junior Youth Fellowship (JYF)
3rd - 5th Grade (Monthly)

JYF is our monthly gathering of kids in 3rd through 5th grade. It takes place at noon on Sundays and is a time for food, fun, and fellowship. 


Worship and Wonder
Age 3 - 1st Grade

Worship and Wonder is a worship-centered approach to children's faith development that occurs during our worship service. It focuses on biblical storytelling, activities, fellowship, and snacks! Our Worship and Wonder leaders are trained in this curriculum that is open for kids aged 3-years-old through first grade. Worship and Wonder takes place in both services.


Children's Sunday School
1st - 5th Grade

We offer Sunday School programming for kids 1st through 5th grade as a way to deepen their faith and understanding of God. Children's Sunday School is at 11:00am.

Sunday School
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