Classes Offered
Moonbeams & Raindrops – Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday
For children 1-3 years old. A full day is 9am – 2pm and half day is 9am -11:30am. Monthly tuition varies by number of days enrolled.
1 Half day a week $145 2 Full Days a week $260 One-time Activity Fee $185
2 Half days a week $205 3 Full Days a week $350
1 Full Day a week $170 4 Full Days a week $435
Sunbeams / Shining Stars – Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00am – 2:00pm
For children 4-5 years old. Monthly tuition is $335, one-time activity fee is $200.
Little Rainbows / Little Clouds – Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00am – 2:00pm
For children 3-4 years old and potty trained by the start of the school year. Monthly tuition is $335, one-time activity fee is $200.
Explorers & Jr. Explorers (Preschool Enrichment) – Thursday 9:00am – 2:00pm
For children 3-5 years old and potty trained by the school start date. Classes will be divided based on age and the number of children enrolled. The Explorers class is a hands-on, creative, and playful learning experience with a focus on literacy and pre-emergent reading skills. Monthly tuition if enrolled in another ACC class is $130 with a onetime activity fee of $50; if not enrolled in other classes, monthly tuition is $155 with a one-time activity fee of $145.