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Green Chalice Congregation


The “Green Team” was formed at Allisonville Christian Church as a part of our ongoing commitment to operating in an environmentally friendly fashion. Our first task was to get ACC certified as a Green Chalice congregation.

Green Chalice Covenant

As children of God and followers of

Christ Jesus, we covenant to:

  • Worship God with all creation and pray for the healing of the Earth.

  • Study the climate crisis and engage others in climate solutions.

  • Repent and forgive for the harm we have inflicted on the Earth that sustains life.

  • Advocate for ecojustice public policies and witness by living sustainable lifestyles.

  • Rest in God’s good creation and invite others to delight in nature.

2015 ACC Playground-16.jpg

Our largest project so far is the ACC Garden, which produces fresh vegetables for local food pantries and congregational members.

If you would like to become a part of our Green Team, contact Jean Tatum or Janette Smith.

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