Thank You

Dear friend,
Thank you for supporting the ministries of Allisonville Christian Church.Your transaction has been completed. A receipt from DonorBox has been sent to the email address you entered during checkout.*
If your gift was:
a) designated as "recurring" using ACH bank transfer, a credit or debit card, DonorBox has automatically created a personal user account with the name and email address you provided during your transaction. Once created, accessing your DonorBox account will enable you to update your contribution amount, change payment method, or pause / resume your recurring donation. To log in to your new DonorBox account, follow the instructions provided in your email receipt. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to manage recurring donations.
b) designated as "recurring" using your PayPal account, you will receive an email receipt and a confirmation of future scheduled payments sent to the email address associated with your PayPal account.
​We thank you for your generosity and treasure your partnership in the ministry to which God has called us.
In Gratitude,
Allisonville Christian Church
*Haven't gotten an email? If you are certain your email address was entered correctly during your transaction, try searching the "spam" folder of the email account you entered during transaction. Be sure to search for emails from a company called "DonorBox."
If you need further assistance, please call (317) 849-3957 or email our office at